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2019 Drew PTA Fall Family Dinner

Choice of vegetarian or non-vegetarian pasta, vegetables, bread, and a drink. Hot cocoa bar available for additional purchase after dinner as a benefit for the Drew soccer program. 

Tickets can be purchased in advance or at the door. 


2019 Eagle Giving Tree

In person OR online!

Help all of our Drew Families have a happy holiday!

Donate a gift to a child at Drew Charter School this season.  

There are 2 ways to give to the Eagle Giving Tree:

  1. ONLINE:  Review the list online, sign up for a gift item, and return it by the date below CLICK HERE for ONLINE SIGN UP



  2. IN PERSON:  Visit the Eagle Giving Tree in the Lower Campus / Elementary Academy Atrium, select a Golden Eagle from the tree with a gift request attached and sign it out on the clipboard, and return the gift by the date below.

Return the purchased gift requested, unwrapped, to the lower campus lobby on

Thursday, December 12th or Friday, December 13 between 7:45 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. 

Questions? Need to make alternative gift drop-off arrangements? Contact Drew PTA Fundraising Chair

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