New Parent Advice & Info
Charles R. Drew Charter School
www.DrewCharterSchoolPTA.com PTADrew@gmail.com
Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Co‐Presidents:
Marcy Dunlap & Maggie Stewart
RISE After School Program at Drew EA
Contact Ronitia Hodges at 404-687-0001 x 2294 ronitia.hodges@drewcharterschool.org
Contact Ms. Hodges to register your child for this program. This program usually does fill up and there is a waiting list. The program is $35/week at full price.
RISE most likely will NOT offer childcare on conference days.
Other after school programs (not associated with Drew Charter or the PTA) available for Drew students: Horizons, Boys and Girls Club, YMCA Teen Center & SoulShine (this list is not exhaustive).
Some of these programs pick up children from Drew Charter at 4:00 p.m.
Paying for school lunch: set up an account and pay online at www.myschoolbucks.com or make cash payments in the cafeteria.
APS Nutrition contact person for issues with billing is Dr. Marilyn Hughes, 404-802-1599.
Menu is at the front desk of each school & does not always match the APS menu (on APS website).
Full price lunch for a child is $2.25 and it is $4.00 for an adult visitor. Breakfast for a child is $.75.
Check the school and PTA website for events. Join the school listserv on its website and join the PTA listserv by joining the PTA at the Open House or other PTA events.
Give yourself extra time for drop-off and pick-up of your child. Drew does not bus its students, so there is heavy car traffic at the schools in the mornings and afternoons. You can park at the YMCA and walk to school to avoid most of the car traffic. You should not drop your child off on the street but in the drop off lanes. You will receive instructions on which lane to use for drop-off.
Pre-K students need to be walked into the school and school starts thirty (30) minutes after the rest of the Elementary Academy for Pre-K.
School starts at 8:00 for most students and 8:30 for Pre K students. Breakfast is served until 7:45. Students arriving before 7:45 can wait in the cafeteria or library. Pre-K students usually have a classroom designated for morning care. Students can get to school as early as 6:45 am.
Parents of Drew Charter School Facebook group-Ask to join asap!
Also join the Drew Charter School Parents Facebook page for the graduation year of your child to share info with other Drew families:
By Jamie Ravenscraft on Wednesday, July 22, 2015 at 10:51am
Family administered Facebook pages to share information relevant to each class
Class of 2029
(2015-16 Pre-K)
Contact Christie Clarke Chalberg
Class of 2028
(2015-16 Kindergarten)
Search for "Drew Charter Class of 2028" or www.facebook.com/groups/1641690952765728/
Class of 2027
(2015-16 1st Grade)
Search for "Drew Charter Class of 2027" or www.facebook.com/groups/1660761810808564
Class of 2026
(2015-16 2nd Grade)
Search for "Drew Charter Class of 2026" or www.facebook.com/groups/850020368413394
Class of 2025
(2015-16 3rd Grade)
Contact Tris Hinnant Sicignano, search for "Charles R Drew Charter Class of 2025" or www.facebook.com/groups/1456725047962225
Class of 2024
(2015-16 4th Grade)
Contact Nobuko Hall, search for "Drew Charter School Class of 2014" or go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/930141190391030/
Class of 2023
(2015-16 5th Grade)
Search for "Drew Charter Parents of c/o 2023" or www.facebook.com/groups/723477757720844
Class of 2022
(2015-16 6th Grade)
Search for "Drew Charter Class of 2022" or www.facebook.com/groups/1747950772085007/
Class of 2021
(2015-16 7th Grade)
www.facebook.com/groups/1430852467233140 or search "Charles R. Drew Charter School of Atlanta: Class of 2021"
Class of 2020
(2015-16 8th Grade)
Enrichment classes can seem randomly selected. If you have questions, you should speak to the school counselors.
Look for coffeees on this topic.
Communication with Teachers: Teachers have an email formatted like the one for Ms. Hodges with the RISE ASP, and most of them use the Parent Portal which you can access through the school website. Teachers will often have room parents distribute information as well, so be sure to provide your email address for the classroom list at the beginning of the school year.
2015/2016 Drew Teacher and Staff Contact Info
To volunteer in school with students you have to have a background check. Contact Alicia Dawkins at alicia.dawkins@drewcharterschool.org to go through this process or with questions.
Picture Days: Fall photo is full uniform photo that will go in the year book and Spring is dress-up photo. A class photo is usually taken in the fall as well and in the recent past has been sold separately at a date after picture day. Check the Drew Parents facebook group for discussion on these photos. The PTA will be doing a family/child photo shoot fundraiser this year. Date to be determined.
There is a Student Handbook on the EA website, but as of August 19, 2015, this link still has last year's handbook.
Parent Portal: http://www.atlanta.k12.ga.us/Domain/7741
You will need either 1. Activation Code from School or 2. SSN of child & Student ID of child (on standardized test scores)
PTA Events to look for-check PTA website, look for emails and flyers:
PTA meetings-there will be four this school year starting August 27, 2015 at 6 pm, Principal Coffees, Dine Out Fundraisers, Teacher Appreciation, Walk/Bike to School, Fall Festival, Eagle Giving Tree, Red & White Ball, Auction, Screen on the Green, Summer Camp Expo